


Part I: Creating Custom Rules for Microsoft Source Analyzer

Source Analyzer uses Reflection to examine every DLL in its install directory to find custom rules, so all we'll need to do is create a class library with the right classes and attributes and Source Analyzer will automatically load our new rules.

Create a new ClassLibrary project, then add references to the Microsoft.SourceAnalysis and Microsoft.SourceAnalysis.CSharp assemblies:

Source Analyzerは、リフレクション機構によってインストールディレクトリ内のDLLを走査してカスタムルールをさがします。
ですので、正しいクラスと属性を含んだクラスライブラリを作成するだけでSource Analyzerにカスタムルールを読み込ませることができます。

Then add a new class and an XML file with the same name. Set the Properties of the XML file to be an Embedded Resource and not copy to the output directory:


Part II: Creating Custom Rules for Microsoft Source Analyzer

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<SourceAnalyzer Name="Custom Rules">  
  <Description>    Custom rules added to analyzer.  </Description>  
    <RuleGroup Name="Custom Rules Group">      
      <Rule Name="MyCustomRule" CheckId="CR0001">        
        <Context>This is a custom rule.</Context>        
        <Description>This is a custom rule description.</Description>      

when loaded into settings by the Source Analyzer. The SourceAnalzyer element's Name attribute becomes a node under C#; each RuleGroup becomes a node under that; and each Rule is contained in its RuleGroup.

The CheckID attribute of a Rule must consist of two capital letters and four digits.

The Context element of a Rule is what displays in Visual Studio analysis results and can contain {0} string formatting placeholders (which we'll see in Part III).

The Description element of a Rule is what displays to the user in Source Analysis Settings when they're choosing which Rules to enforce.

Source Analyzerの設定画面に読み込まれると、SourceAnalyzer要素のName属性がC#の下位ノードとなります。
Rule要素のChekID属性は、2文字の英大文字 + 4桁の数値となっている必要があります。
Rule要素中のContext要素は、Visual Studioの分析結果に表示される文言です。書式制御用のプレースホルダとして{0}を含めることができます。
Rule要素中のDescription要素は、Source Analysisの設定画面でユーザが適用するルールを選択する際に表示される文言です。

namespace SourceAnalyzerSample
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;   
    using System.Linq;   
    using System.Text;    
    using Microsoft.SourceAnalysis;    
    using Microsoft.SourceAnalysis.CSharp;    
    using System.Windows.Forms;    
    public class SampleAddInRules : SourceAnalyzer    
        public override void AnalyzeDocument(CodeDocument document)        
            Param.RequireNotNull(document, "document");            
            CsDocument document2 = (CsDocument)document;            
            if ((document2.RootElement != null) && !document2.RootElement.Generated)            
                AddViolation(document2.RootElement, "MyCustomRule", new object[0]);

First, we need the references and using directives for Microsoft.SourceAnalysis and Microsoft.SourceAnalysis.CSharp.

Then we create a class inherited from SourceAnalyzer and add a SourceAnalyzer attribute on the class, giving it a parameter of typeof(CsParser). StyleCop uses Reflection to find classes inherited from SourceAnalyzer to add to its rules. The CsParser type tells StyleCop that this class analyzes C# source files.


We next need to override the AnalyzeDocument method from the SourceAnalyzer base-class. This is the entry point StyleCop will use to run our rule and pass it each source file in the project. Each source file is passed in as a parameter of type CodeDocument.


As part of the Microsoft.SourceAnalysis assembly, they've included a Param class that has a number of methods on it to validate parameters passed to methods. We use this to require that the CodeDocument parameter passed isn't null


The next step is to check some things on the document. In this case, we're checking to ensure that the document has a RootElement and that it isn't generated-code. The source code is treated a hierarchy of elements containing other elements, which we'll see more of in Part III.


Finally, we're going to create the violation. The AddViolation method has a number of overloads:
In general, the method takes:
The CodeElement that violated the rule;
An Enum or String identifying the Rule that's been violated;
An array of Objects -- this array is used to fill {0} placeholders in a formatted string;

